Monday, July 27, 2009


While I could mention several benefits for staying married and not getting a divorce in this post I want to just mention one. Tonight while I was watching the news a new study was revealed that those people who remain married to their first spouse are more likely to have a healthier life. The reason for it is probably due to not as much stress as those going through a divorce and those who don't have someone to share life with. This actually fits nicely with an older post I did about being alone is just not good. Here is what I found out:
  • Divorced or widowed people have 20 percent more chronic health problems such as diabetes and cancer than married people, according to a study published in the September issue of the Journal of Health and Social behavior. People who remarry suffer 12 percent more of these conditions than those continuously married.
  • About half of marriages in the U.S. end in divorce, according to the National Institutes of Health. Married adults are less likely to smoke, drink heavily, or suffer psychological distress, research from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has shown. The difference among the groups is probably due to stress, said Linda Waite, an author of the study and a sociologist at the University of Chicago.
  • Divorced people who didn’t remarry had 23 percent more difficulty climbing stairs or walking a block compared with the continuously married, the study found. Those who remarried had 19 percent more difficulty moving than the continuously married.
  • There was no evidence that multiple divorces were worse for health than a single divorce, the study found.
So what can we learn from this? It is healthier for you to be willing to work at your marriage than for you to get a divorce. And while it may take work at building a strong and healthy marriage it is well worth it both from an emotional standpoint and from a physical stand point.

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